
A brief yet expanding list of terms used on this site. Feedback and comments welcome.

Aisatsu greeting

Chabako "picnic tea;" a box for carrying tea utensils

Chabana flower arrangement for tea ceremony
Chado the Way of Tea
Chaji tea gathering, usually with kaiseki meal
Chakai tea gathering
Chakin linen napkin used to wipe chawan

Cha-no-yu the Japanese tea ceremony (also Chanoyu)
Chasen tea whisk
Chasentoshi tea whisk inspection
Chashaku tea scoop
Chashitsu tea room, typically within a house or other structure
Chawan tea bowl

Fukusa a square of cloth used to ritually purify utensils
Furo brazier
Futaoki lid rest

Hanto assistant to Teishu

Haiken examination of select utensils by guests
Higashi dry sugar sweets
Hishaku water ladle

Kama kettle
Kaishi paper 'napkins'
Kaiseki a multi-course meal served at a chaji
Keiko-gi a garment worn during practice
Kensui waste-water container
Kobukusa a square of brocade cloth often used when handling chawan
Koicha thick tea

Matcha powdered green tea

Okeiko formal tea ceremony practice

Okyaku guest (guests are ranked shokyaku principal guest, jikyaku middle guest(s), and makyaku last guest; typically shokyaku is a person with the most experience and makyaku is the next-most experienced)

Teishu host, person performing the temae

Temae procedure, tea ceremony
Tokonoma art alcove; space where scrolls, flowers and other art objects are displayed

Ryakubondate tea ceremony where the tea is made on a tray
Ryurei tea ceremony performed on a table

Seppuku ritual suicide
Shomen the front or "face" of an object

Usucha thin tea

Wagashi Japanese sweets, typically moist sweets

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Schools of Japanese Tea Ceremony

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For more, visit the Chado Encyclopedia or the glossary at